The Goodness of Tea

Tea is an extremely healthy drink. Tea has been used for healing since forever.

The health benefits of teas is related to being full of bioactive ingredients such as polyphenols.

What the heck is a polyphenol? Compounds found in plant foods, ie tea.

Polyphenols work as:

  • antioxidant

  • antiviral

  • anti-inflammatory activities

  • modulate detoxification enzymes

  • stimulate immune function

  • decrease platelet aggregation .

    There are more than 8,000 types of polyphenols. Flavonoids are the polyphenols in tea. epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea is what makes green tea so healthy. Green tea, which has a higher count of EGCG has been found to be superior to black tea, when it comes to health effects. Although the thearubigins and theaflavins in black tea have their own special health benefits, to add to its own content of EGCG. Both green and black tea flavonoids benefit:

  • HEART : prevent plague, reduce LDL & triglycerides , lower blood pressure, reduce risk of heart attack and stroke

  • BRAIN FUNCTION: Contains L-theanine releases GABA for a relaxed alert state of mind as well as caffeine for a relaxed alert state of mind. L-theanine also releases mood enhancing hormones dopamine and serotonin. Help focus, aid in prevention of Parkinsons and Alzheimers.

  • ANTIOXIDANT: free radical scavenger, and metal chelating

  • ANTI INFLAMMATORY; inflammation contributes to obesity, diabetes,aging, cancer,neruogeneterative diseases


  • ANTI CANCER; studies show Polyphenols block cell growth.

  • LOWER BLOOD SUGARS; stimulate insulin secretion, breakdown starch into simple sugars.


  • HEALTHY DIGESTION; promote growth of good gut bacteria, fight off H.Pylori

All of these benefits are from just tea. Green Black and White. Not mentioned are the benefits of the herbs and spices blended with teas.

Live long, live healthy, drink tea.




Tea Is….