Tea Is….

Tea the Camellia Sinensis plant has been around since the  third day of the creation of this world. 

And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to their kind on the earth.” And it was so. Genesis 1:11

Botanist found wild tea plant, on the borderland of China and India, in an area that is referred to as Mother Natures Tea Garden. The first recording of the use of tea was in the writings of Chinese emperor Shen Nuns, the ‘Divine Healer’, who lived around 2737 B.C. Legends from India of Chai or ‘tea’ was brewed reaching back to 1500 BC, for India. Then there is Japan who may have been a bit later on knowing of tea, through the Chinese,in  593 AD, they seem to have made up for the lateness of knowing though. Japan lists as 11 of consumption of tea next to China’s being 20 on the list. 

If you are now wondering who the top 5 are on the  tea per capita consumption are?

  1. Turkey

  2. Ireland

  3. Iran

  4. United Kingdom

  5. . Russia 

No, China, Japan, India or United States in the top 5.

Tea has always been considered medicinal in its character. Most all ancient and modern descriptors speak of it being calming, yet it revives. It is good for the soul. Now with scientific and medical studies it is known that God created tea for much more. 

 The major ingredient in tea is Catechins. Catechins is a flavan-3-ol, a natural phenol and antioxidant , part of the family of flavonoids.  Ok? Got that? What is that? It is brilliance that only God can create! What does it do for you is what you need know. 

Antioxidants: fight free radicals. Free radicals are by products of our metabolism or result of damaging environmental factors, they cause oxidative stress which leads to chronic disease. And this is how these antioxidants/Catechins/flavonoids work for us. 

    • •Anti-Inflammatory

    • •Anti-Viral

    • •Anti-Cancer

    • •Pro Cardiovascular health

    • •Lower Lipids

    • •Lower Blood pressure

    • •Lower Fat Cells

    • •Anti Aging

    • •Lower Blood Sugar -Anti Diabetic

    • •Reduce risk of Alzheimers and Parkinson’s

    • •Protect from Strokes

    • •Heal Gut/Fight H.Pylori

    • •Lower stress hormone levels

    • •Prevent hardening of arteries

    • •Alleviate headaches

    • •Reduce risk of kidney stones

Researches have found all of this and are discovering even more benefits of a few cups of tea a day. 

So, drink up! 


The Goodness of Tea