Rooibos: ROY-Boss is an herbal tea grown in South Africa. It is the leaf from a bush so technically not ‘tea’.   It is from the plant Aspalathus linearis, a member of the legume family. The rooibos bush is only found in the mountains near the Cape of Good Hope. Fitting

This ‘tea’ is packed with nutrients, and is caffeine free and low in tannins. Rooibos also contains mineral, calcium, fluoride alpha hydroxyl acid. And as any plant there are many flavonoid antioxidants. Aspalathin, which is a flavonoid exclusive to Rooibos, other flavonoids include nothofagin, ruin, isoquercitrin, orienting, issorientin luteolin, chrysoeriol,and Quercetin, to name a few. 

There are many health benefits of rooibos:

  • Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant: it may protect your cells from free radical damage.  It protects against inflammation, which is at the core of many diseases. 

  • Heart Health:  decreased blood pressure, improves blood circulation. Lowers cholesterol levels.  Aspalathin and nothofagin significantly effect inflammation of the entire vascular system, as well as protecting the heart against oxidation and ischemia . 

  • Diabetes Management: In tests Rooibos showed therapeutic potential to prevent diabetes, again directly attributed to Aspalathin, which is only found in Rooibos. 

  • Cancer prevention: Aspalathin tests show the same therapeutic potential against cancer as with diabetes. There is evidence the quercetin can help suppress malignant tumor growth by stopping the process involved in cell mutation. Rooibos also helps the immune system produce antibodies necessary to prevent and heal from a variety of chronic disease, including some cancers. 

  • Support Liver and Digestion: Rooibus contains antispasmodics and nutrients that prevent abdominal pain and reduce occurrence of diarrhea. Rooibus has been found to boost the antioxidant status of the liver. 

  • Healthy Bone Growth: many of the minerals, such as manganese, calcium and fluoride support healthy bones, as do the flavonoids, orienting and luteolin.  All teas increase osteoblast activity. Osteoblasts are the cells that create bone mass, so more activity, the stronger the bones are.  

  • Weight Loss: the polyphenols in rooibos promote weight loss. Rooibos prevents lipid peroxitaion and protein degradation, and regulates glutathione metabolism. Rooibos increases the leptin secretion. Leptin is the ‘satiety hormone’ , it tell your body when you have eaten enough. It was found the rooibos prevents new fat cells from forming, which caused existing fat to metabolic faster. 

  • Treats Allergies:  Quercetin can block mast cells, immune cells, which trigger allergic reactions. Quercetin may have anti allergenic potential and be as effective as som prescribed medications. The flavonoids are useful for the treatment of seasonal and food allergies as well as other allergy reactions such as asthma and skin flares. 

  • Fount of Youth: The alpha hydroxy found in Rooibos leaves is not common  in other foods. Alpha hydroxy acid and other antioxidants in Rooibos have a considerable effect on wrinkle reduction and protect the hair follicles from damage. 

  • Antimicrobial effects: this leave is a natural food preservative, because it prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. It has been found to produce a healthy gut, killing the bad bacteria and promoting the growth of good. Significant studies have shown Rooibos to fight against H.Pylori, and win. 

As with every thing there could be side effects with excessive use, or if you have an illness or treatment that contradicts the good. It has no oxalic acid which is good for those with kidney stones but some physicians state this tea may negatively affects those with liver disease, kidney disease and certain hormonal cancers. I may also interfere with chemotherapy. Consult your physician if you are dealing with any of these conditions. 


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