

Sweet earthy fruit of Chamomile with the tanginess of raspberry leaves and tartness of raspberry and earthy green tea makes this dance.

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Ingredients: Chamomile, Green Tea, Raspberry, Raspberry leaf

Chamomile can improve many different health issues such as, anxiety and depression, seasonal allergies,inflammatory conditions, muscle spasms, pms symptoms and other menstrual disorders, insomnia, skin disorders, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, arthritis. Raspberry leaf contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and B vitamins. This tasty leaf strengthens the uterus, is an antioxidant, helps detox and regulates hormones. With the green tea this is a great tea to settle your mind and stomach and heal you through and through

Steep for 5-7 minutes. Add a bit of sweetener if desired. This tea will help calm and sooth you even poured over ice.